Hi all,
A reminder as we get into the business end of the season that we have all signed up to the NRL Code of Conduct as a member of this Association. This requires us to behave in a respectful way to our fellow players and officials.

The #RESPECT campaign started in 2016 with 16,000 pledges and continues to grow and get bigger each year aligning with the NSWRL’s vision to eliminate poor behaviour and promote a positive environment for all players, coaches, referees, volunteers, and families.
The NSWPDRL encourages all members to read and adopt the #RESPECT pledge to help raise awareness around the effect positive and negative comments can have on the enjoyment of participants.
When adopting the pledge, individuals acknowledge the following:
• I pledge that I can create an inclusive, diverse, and supportive environment for all with the words that I use.
• I pledge to always use positive language that encourages, includes, and inspires all participants.
• I pledge to refrain from using derogatory, disrespectful, hateful, offensive, or discriminatory words in all Rugby League environments.
• I pledge to report to my club, the League or NSWRL any incidents of derogatory, disrespectful, hateful, offensive, or discriminatory language that I hear.

If you have any concerns, please contact a member of the board or the wellbeing coordinator Steve Cremona.

Many thanks

Paul Tubridy (Chairman PDRLA)

Categories: News